20 documents
Articles dans une revue
- Dominique Laurence, Sébastien Malpel. Définir la guérison et l’autoguérison. HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale, 2024, N° 4 (4), pp.311-324. ⟨10.3917/heg.134.0311⟩. ⟨hal-04505213⟩
- Dominique Laurence, Sébastien Malpel. Notions de guérison et d’auto-guérison. HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale, 2022, N° 3 (3), pp.230-235. ⟨10.3917/heg.123.0230⟩. ⟨hal-03875751⟩
- Mohamed Djouani, Marie Stéphanie Abouna, Dalila Kessouar, Sébastien Malpel, Sophie Demonceaux, et al.. "What can be done to avoid cancer in the student"s mind". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia, 2018. ⟨hal-03153562⟩
- Nathalie Pinsard, Emmanuella Di Scala, Sébastien Malpel, Robert Andres, Philippe Ricaud. Study on the cancer’s representations from primary school pupils and their filing systems. New Perspectives in Science Education, 2017, pp.654-659. ⟨hal-01959203⟩
- Fabrice Legeai, Sébastien Malpel, Nicolas Montagné, Christelle Monsempes, François Cousserans, et al.. An Expressed Sequence Tag collection from the male antennae of the Noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis: a resource for olfactory and pheromone detection research.. BMC Genomics, 2011, 12 (86), pp.86. ⟨10.1186/1471-2164-12-86⟩. ⟨hal-00723049⟩
- Marie Picot, André Klarsfeld, Elisabeth Chelot, Sébastien Malpel, François Rouyer. A Role for Blind DN2 Clock Neurons in Temperature Entrainment of the Drosophila Larval Brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 2009, 29 (26), pp.8312-20. ⟨10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0279-08.2009⟩. ⟨hal-00450364⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, C. Merlin, Marie-Christine François, Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly. Molecular identification and characterization of two new Lepidoptera chemoreceptors belonging to the Drosophila melanogaster OR83b family. Insect Molecular Biology, 2008, 17 (5), pp.587-596. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2583.2008.00830.x⟩. ⟨hal-00451099⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, Sandra Claret, Matthieu Sanial, Amira Brigui, Tristan Piolot, et al.. The last 59 amino acids of Smoothened cytoplasmic tail directly bind the protein kinase Fused and negatively regulate the Hedgehog pathway.. Developmental Biology, 2007, 303 (1), pp.121-133. ⟨10.1016/j.ydbio.2006.10.042⟩. ⟨hal-00113638⟩
- André Klarsfeld, Sébastien Malpel, Christine Michard-Vanhée, Marie Picot, Elisabeth Chélot, et al.. Novel features of cryptochrome-mediated photoreception in the brain circadian clock of Drosophila.. Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 24 (6), pp.1468-77. ⟨10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3661-03.2004⟩. ⟨hal-00116797⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, André Klarsfeld, François Rouyer. Circadian synchronization and rhythmicity in larval photoperception-defective mutants of Drosophila.. J Biol Rhythms, 2004, 19 (1), pp.10-21. ⟨10.1177/0748730403260621⟩. ⟨hal-00122350⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, André Klarsfeld, François Rouyer. Larval optic nerve and adult extra-retinal photoreceptors sequentially associate with clock neurons during Drosophila brain development.. Development (Cambridge, England), 2002, 129 (6), pp.1443-53. ⟨hal-00122675⟩
Communications dans un congrès
- Dominique Laurence, Sébastien Malpel. Notions de guérison et d’auto-guérison. Journée d’Etude – Projet Auto-guérison, Institut de Recherche Indépendant sur l'Autoguérison (IRIA), May 2022, Dijon, France. ⟨hal-03875728⟩
- R. Andres, S. Malpel, N. Pinsard, Emmanuella Di Scala, Philippe Ricaud, et al.. Representations of cancer among pupils : a linked influence of the academic and extraccuricular environements. 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Nov 2016, Séville, Spain. pp.ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index. ⟨hal-01365286⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, Emmanuella Di Scala, Philippe Ricaud, Robert Andres, Pinsard Nathalie. Study on the cancer’s representations from non-initiated academic pupils and their filing systems. 5th edition Colloque international “New perspectives in sciences education”, Mar 2016, Florence, Italy. pp 676-680. ⟨hal-01361306⟩
- Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly, Fabrice Legeai, Sébastien Malpel, Nicolas Montagné, Christelle Monsempes, et al.. The antennal transcriptome of a moth. The 20th Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2010, Avignon, France. pp.E29. ⟨hal-00714719⟩
- Emmanuelle Joly Jacquin-Joly, Fabrice F. Legeai, Sebastien S. Malpel, Nicolas N. Montagné, Christelle C. Monsempes, et al.. The antennal transcriptome of a moth. 20. Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO-2010), Sep 2010, Avignon, France. pp.E29-E30. ⟨hal-01001560⟩
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Sébastien Malpel. Les représentations de l’objet homéopathie chez les médecins. L'HOMÉOPATHIE EN DÉBATPublic, monde médical et sphère médiatique, EDITIONS L'HARMATTAN, 2023, 978-2-14-033655-3. ⟨hal-04505269⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, Prisca Bouillé, Marie-Laure Groult. Le corps médical - médecins et pharmaciens. L'homéopathie en question - HOMEOCSS - Projet de recherche sociétale sur la controverse au sujet de l'homéopathie - Enjeux, cadre théorique, approches méthodologiques, 2020. ⟨hal-03162767⟩
- Sébastien Malpel, Robert Andres, Pinsard Nathalie. Les représentations du cancer chez les publics scolaires. Science en société - Les représentations dans les controverses et les questions socio-scientifiques, 2019. ⟨hal-03162750⟩
Pré-publications, Documents de travail
- Sébastien Malpel. Les représentations de l'objet homéopathie chez les médecins. Une étude du projet Homeocss, projet d'étude sociétale sur la controverse autour de l'homéopathie. 2021. ⟨hal-03202666⟩
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